Double the dance

There’s a lot of good music about at the moment but this has unfortunately highlighted another longstanding problem for the line dance world.  More than once dance to the same track by established choreographers.

Not so much of a problem when the dances are different levels.  Not so easy to choose when dances are similar levels.  Take for example the new song “One Way Ticket” by Billy Currington.  Peter & Alison have a 64 count, 2 wall improver level level dance coming out to it called ENJOY THE RIDE.  Robbie McGowan Hickie has a 64 count, 2 wall dance coming out called JOYRIDE.

My current dilemma is the song “I Hope You Find It” by Cher.  Niels Poulsen has a dance by the same name out to it and Kate Sala, Craig Bennett & DAP, have released one called PARADISE CITY.  Niels is Intermediate/Advanced and 32 counts plus tags – the other is Intermediate and 48 counts plus extras.  I like them both and already know of other instructors who have taught one, and some who have taught the other.  Decisions decisions!  I think its likely we will see both danced around and about and possibly need to split the floor.

And less than a week after the above was written, Kim Ray has also brought out a dance to this track.  Her dance is called KEEP LOOKING.

Kath Dickens has a 64 count, 2 wall intermediate dance out to the track DETROIT CITY by Texas.  In the same week, Kate Sala’s released her dance which is 64 counts and 4 walls but to the same track and with the same dance title.

Its not just the big name choreographers.  I’ve recently come across a very catchy track by Sushy from last year called “Don’t Kiss Me, Just Eat Me.” Mike Parkinson has just released an interesting looking intermediate dance called JUST EAT ME.  But then I discover Rep Ghazali-Meaney released a similar level dance in April of this year.

Bonfire Heart is the new song from James Blunt. Hazel Pace has her dance out already but I know Peter & Alison will also soon be releasing theirs.

Do I take the plunge and just pick one out of a hat, teach the one I like the best, teach the one most suitable for my class or avoid teaching any of them??

That’s the question but what is the answer?